Base data needed for regionalized calculations

Defining countries

Next, we create a geocollection "world" and topocollection "world". It is quite useful to label countries by their ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes (e.g. “DE” for Germany), so we don’t require these locations to be given a complex location key like ("world", "DE"); instead, we will treat any two letter country code as if it came from the "world" geocollection.

Defining ecoinvent-specific locations

Ecoinvent defines a large number of additional locations, like “Europe” or “Canada without Alberta and Quebec”. See the constructive geometries source repository for more information on ecoinvent-specific locations. These locations are handled in a third new geocollection, "ecoinvent", as well as the "ecoinvent" topocollection.


Extension tables


bw2regionalsetup() create the following:


  • world
  • ecoinvent
  • RoW
  • gdp-weighted-pop-density


  • world
  • ecoinvent
  • RoW
  • gdp-weighted-pop-density


  • world
  • ecoinvent
  • RoW

Extension tables

  • gdp-weighted-pop-density


The following intersections are only created if the default pandarus_remote server,, is available.

  • (‘world’, ‘geo-weighted-pop-density’)
  • (‘ecoinvent’, ‘geo-weighted-pop-density’)
  • (‘RoW’, ‘geo-weighted-pop-density’)